Aromatherapy massage

Massage is one of the oldest and simplest forms of healthcare. It is depicted in Egyptian tomb paintings and mentioned in ancient Chinese, Japanese and Indian texts. In 5 B.C the Greek physician Hippocrates said the secret to health was a good oil massage.

Benefits of massage -


  • relaxes the body

  • calms the nervous system

  • lowers blood pressure

  • reduces heart rate

  • slows respiration

  • stretches connective tissue

  • reduces chronic pain

  • improves red blood cell count

  • relieves tired, aching and cramped muscles

  • improves muscle tone

  • speeds recovery from injury and illness

  • reduces tension headaches

  • increases tissue metabolism

  • decreases muscle deterioration

  • increases range of motion

  • speeds elimination of metabolic waste

  • increases blood and lymph circulation

  • stimulates release of endorphins

  • strengthens the immune system

  • reduces swelling

  • improves posture

  • improves skin tone

Emotional -

  • reduces anxiety

  • enhances self image

  • provides a feeling of wellbeing

  • nurtures and stimulates emotional growth

Mental -

  • reduces mental stress

  • promotes quality sleep

  • improves productivity

  • induces mental relaxation


Essential Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts derived from the flowers, leaves, stems or roots of certain botanicals, which contain the essence or aroma of the plant, as well as the plants healing ingredients.

Used correctly the aromas and oils of certain plants have powerful therapeutic properties that can be used to enhance physical and psychological wellbeing.

Aromatherapy can -

  • promote relaxation by reducing muscle and mental tension, and promote a sense of calm

  • reduce stress and anxiety by inhaling aromas with a calming effect

  • improve sleep by having a sedative effect, therefore falling asleep faster and staying asleep for longer

  • enhance mood

  • relieve pain by having analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties

  • boost immunity and fight off infections

  • improve cognitive function by improving concentration and memory

Aromatherapy massage is available on Mondays with Jeanette and Wednesdays with Michele


Holistic Massage

1st and 3rd Thursday of every month 4.30-8.30pm

1 hour massage - £35.00

30 minute massage - £20.00

Physical touch makes you healthier.

Studies have shown that massage, hugs and holding hands reduce stress and boost the immune system.

The process of warming up the muscles, relaxing the muscles/tendons by stroking and eliminating knots enhances a feeling of relief….physically, mentally and emotionally.

Touch and massage stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.

5 signs you need a massage -

  • You struggle to get to sleep or to sleep through

  • You suffer from aches and pains, particularly in your shoulders, neck, upper and lower back

  • You feel stressed most of the time and struggle to physically relax

  • Your muscles feel tight or stiff

  • Your work includes repetitive movements resulting in aches and pains

Contact Freya



Serenity Scents


Yoga - Hatha, Multistyle, Dru, Re:balance