Why Serenity?

The concept of Serenity Space has been an aspiration of mine for so long. 

I have been practicing Hatha Yoga for 26 years and from very early in I had the desire to give back to others the benefits that the practice had started within me. 

However, until now, it wasn’t the right time. I had to go through many experiences, good and challenging, to be ready for my life purpose to be made manifest. 

Before training to teach yoga 8 years ago, I had trained and worked in mental health as a nurse, and then occupational therapist, and for a time, in health education for addiction. 

I flitted about not finding my home but always practising yoga. 

The name Serenity Space wasn’t chosen just as a word to reflect the desired outcome of the activities and treatments provided here. It comes from my time belonging to a group who use the Serenity prayer to encourage clarity in difficult times and situations. This group and its members were pivital to my growth and self awareness. I heard the philosophy and teaching of the ancient sanskrit of yoga, within the recovery stages on a weekly basis. 

Although I knew what I was being called to do, the momentum to move forward to the dream didn’t occur until last year when I discovered I have inattentive ADHD aged 52. 

Now, with transformational medication, true friends who help and support me, and self belief, I have finally been blessed to offer my learning and experience. I have a genuine desire to provide a place of peace and serenity to those who honour me, and the other teachers and therapists here, with their presence. 

Serenity Space – good people, doing good things, for the good of others. 

Love and light 



The Space